Interview Prep
For starters, check Confessions from a Big Tech Hiring Manager: Tips for Software Engineering Interviews - which will set you up for interviews, in terms of expectations, process and some gotchas.
Reference for DS wise Algorithm list
1. Algorithm Prep Material
- Big-O Cheatsheet
- C++
- Java
- AlgorithmIst
- VisualAlgo
- CP-Algorithms - E-Maxx Algorithms in English
- The Algorithms - Repository of Algorithm implementations in all major languages.
- Algorithm Visualizer - University of San Francisco
- Scaler Topics - Tutorials on DSA - with examples.
2. Books
- Grokking Algorithms: An illustrated guide for programmers and other curious people [Good Introductory Material]
3. Websites
- HackerRank
- InterviewBit [RECOMMENDED]
- CodeChef
- TopCoder
- HackerEarth
- Project Euler
- BinarySearch - Free leetcode alternative.
Top Programming Questions To Focus On
4. Courses
- Algorithms I
- Algorithms II
- Data Structures and Algorithms - Coursera
DS and Algorithms - Dr. Naveen Garg [RECOMMENDED]
5. YouTube Channels
The channels listed here offer content which is mixed between - Algo/DS questions, Tips for Preparations/Interviews etc.
Tushar Roy
Pepcoding [Available in Hindi. But really good content.]
Aditya Verma [Available in Hindi. But really good content.]
Back to Back SWE
Algorithm World [Available in Hindi. But really good content.]
Rachit Jain
Clément Mihailescu
- YouTube Channels for Competitive Programmers
- Script to Download Entire YouTube Channel
- An awesome list for competitve programming - Codeforces Blog Entry
6. Coding Contests
Google Code JamCodeJam has shutdown as of 2023. :(- Facebook Hacker Cup
- Code Forces
7. Coding Interview Preparation
- InterviewCake
- CareerCup - Coding Interview Questions
- Some links from GeeksForGeeks : 1, 2, 3
8. Some guides from organizations
- Interviewing at Palantir - Prep Guide
- The Asana Interviewing Guide
- Passing a Programming Interview
- List of Interview Experiences from GeeksForGeeks
9. System Design
Have not explored/reviewed any of the following myself, as yet. Feel free to explore. For detailed references on topic-wise distributed systems, refer to dtsdwarak@/distributed-systems-readings
System Design ManualRenamed to Understanding Distributed Systems- Designing Data-Intensive Applications: The Big Ideas Behind Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems
- System Design Interview – An Insider’s Guide
- Grokking the OO and System Design Interviews [Complete Material]
- High Scalability Blog
- @donnemartin/system-design-primer
- @binhnguyennus/awesome-scalability
- System Design Cheatsheet
- MS Azure - Cloud Design Patterns
- The Amazon Builders’ Library - How Amazon builds and operates software
- System Design Weekly - Newsletter [RECOMMENDED]
- Learn System Design - Blog
- System Design Cheatsheet by Denny Zhang
- Architecture Notes
Machine Coding
YouTube Channels
System Design Interview - By Mikhail Smarshchok
System Design Daily
Tech Dummies Narendra L
System Design - Gaurav Sen
Jordan has no life [Recommended]
Also check the list of YouTube Channels for building knowledge listed in the home page.
Distributed Systems Courses
MIT 6.824 Distributed Systems (Spring 2020)
Distributed Systems lecture series - University of Cambridge
A Distributed Systems Reading List - Papers
10. Behavioral Interviews
- Preparation Guide for Tech Interviews - Ace Your Google & Facebook (Meta) Interviews (Also has behavioral interview content)
Jeff H Sipe
Shadé Zahrai
Common Interview Questions and Answers by Jeff Su [Recommended]
11. Mock Interviews
12. Salary Negotiation
Also consider reverse interviewing your team and manager before taking a call on the team to join. Some tips here -
I Am Getting an Offer From Big Tech: What Happens Now and How To Negotiate this Offer?
How to Negotiate a Big Tech Offer as a Software Engineer
- Salary Negotiation: Make More Money, Be More Valued
- Equity 101 for Software Engineers at Big Tech and Startups
Google Recruiter Secrets to Negotiate Your Tech Compensation
How to Negotiate Your Tech Salary Simulation ft.
Tips for negotiating your salary (from an ex-FAANG recruiter)